Originally Posted by The_little_didgee
Really? How far away can your hear the bug or is this an illustration of how sensitive your hearing is?
I can hear the bug from at lest 3 feet away and it was also an illustration of how my hearing is. How about this if there was a fly in my living-room window I could hear its buzzing in my bedroom and that's with the door closed and having the door closed can make it louder.
Originally Posted by rosska
You're very welcome. I too was only diagnosed with AS recently, so I know how much of a relief/unknown it can all be. It's nice to know we're not alone in it though and that the things we're dealing with do have an explanation behind them.
I know and plus I now know why I feel tingly a lot and everything is really spirally, and I'm not alone or going nuts. I feel like I've found relieve I was looking for for along time.