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Default Nov 29, 2006 at 06:38 PM
Agnes, Ethelmom here. i just found this thread. i am so sorry that you are going through so much stress right now. i had no idea......

i don't believe that you can motivate another person who has their heels dug in and especially an adult. motivation comes from within us, as does our fears. fear of failure feeds itself. big time.

i agree that i wouldn't pay for any more schooling. if he was taking one class at a cost of a few hundred, that would be one thing. but $6k would buy a car.

what does he like to do more than anything in the entire world? could anything branch off from something that he loves? some little something?

you're spending a lot of energy and creating an awful lot of stress for yourself trying to pull him around so that he can achieve. maybe if you just lowered your expectations, temporarily, and went on with your life, he might decide to try something different.

heck, woman, i wish i could wave a magic ethelmom wand and help, EM
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