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Member Since Oct 2004
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 166
Default Dec 09, 2006 at 01:06 AM
well here i go agian writing and wondering if things make sence. I was recently terminated from my internship and was wondering if the following would make sence to include in my binder for the internship.

Summary of Internship

When I fist began my internship I was a bit hesitant to get involved and to do much of the discipline. I think this may have been because of my experience in Independent study. The fact that a supervising teacher had a problem with me, but was “too intimidated” to say something made it hard for me to want to jump in and take control. I was very afraid of stepping on toes and was therefore a bit hesitant when I started my internship. Just as I started to feel comfortable with the classroom and discipline, heath issues got in the way, I did my best to try to keep them at bay and be an active participant in the classroom.
Once I started to feel more comfortable and get more involved in the classroom I felt that the kids really started to connect with me. When I would come in the kids would give me hugs, they wanted to sit by me at meals, wanted me to lay with them at nap, read them books, and play with them. The kids even started to come to me with problems after a while instead of going to Nancy right away. Once things started to stabilize and I started to feel better and was comfortable I was able to put in more consistent hours and I felt like things were going really well. The kids were listening to me and I felt like I was getting a better handle on the discipline in the classroom. The kids really enjoyed building so one of the activities that I brought up from the basement shortly before I left was “No-end blocks”. The kids really enjoyed them and it was amazing to watch their imaginations run wild with them.
I felt I was starting to get into the classroom routines and had gained the respect of the children. They would listen to me and respect what I told them to do. A couple of the kids would always ask me to play with them. Some would even draw me pictures. I really thought that things were going well. Despite mental health issues I was making it thru the days at the center. When illness threatened to knock me out, I took action to try to stop it, and in turn ended up missing being at the center, which in turn ended my internship.
In a lot of ways the kids were my inspiration to keep going. As my internship has come to an end, and I am unhappy with the way things ended I am saddened. The children were inspiring me to continue when everything else in my life seemed hopeless. Their smiles, giggles and even tears were getting me thru day to day. I would look forward to seeing them on a daily basis. Watching them grow and learn and explore has helped me more than anyone will ever know. I really look forward to working with children in the future and hope that when current issues are resolved that I will be able to do so. They were my true inspiration to want more than what I have and to be able to move thru the pain and suffering and current issues that have been a problem for quite some time. Throughout this internship I held out hope that that the issues that had been plaguing me for quite some time would not interfere with my ability to perform my duties as an intern. When it became apparent to me I did everything in my personal power to try to get control of the issues, unfortunately, the help that I needed was out of my control and I was unable to get such help in time to save my internship. Even with things ending as they did I hold out hope that I will someday be able to commit more of my life to children just like the ones in the classroom I was doing my internship.

Just let me know if you think that I am being repetative or if I shoud add anything. I just am really second guessing myself

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