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Member Since Aug 2013
Posts: 26
Default Aug 17, 2013 at 08:15 AM
Signature is very true

Thanks for your opinion it is helpful.
This is easily the most difficult thing I have dealt with in my life. There had been tougher situations but we're only temporary. This however is not temporary. I have a hard time living a life without receiving apologies. If i do get them, they are forced and emotionless. I know I've seen elsewhere other SOs going through this exact problem of never taking full responsibility for their actions. Is this the case with you too in your life experience.

I recognize her state of mind and avoid things like the plague, I tiptoe all over the place. After she gets her time alone or calms down or even looks calm I will ask a few questions. 1.) how are you feeling, are you feeling better? 2.) IF she says yes, then I will ask is it OK to talk right now? She will say "yes I feel fine I'm good now, and say yes we can talk, but are you going to ramble and have long drawn out convo"... So now I get attitude. She goes on to tell me that she is starving and I should know that she isn't fine yet... How do I know that your ok? Because you told me you were ok! Tells me to leave her alone very angered and go into the other room. This kind of behavior happens a lot. Even after these swings pass I a lot of times won't have her voluntary come up and apologize without it looking scripted. Or, it goes a day or so and I'll say" are we going to discuss what happened yesterday... To which her reply will be "ugh do we have to bring this up, can't you just let it go and have a good day"
I feel like crying a lot.
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