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Default Sep 09, 2013 at 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Hopelesspoppy View Post
How long have you been seeing her? I am having a hard time understanding how such an important identity issue has not been more explored...admittedly I am a novice with not much information, but it sounds like she really avoids important topics.

I've been working with her for about 7 months. I think I agree that she avoids important topics, though I may not be super skilled at bringing them up or letting her know that I really need to discuss certain things. Granted, the majority of our sessions have been focused on maneuvering whatever current crisis I've developed for myself. There's often not a lot of time to explore deeper issues.
The more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to believe that she may not be the best therapist for me. She is a good therapist, but I think I might need something different - at least right now.
But part of me feels like I may be running away from the hard stuff. Or perhaps I'm self-sabotaging in creating an unnecessary transition to someone new which will likely cause turmoil.
She's also the only therapist I've ever shared so much with and been so open with. I hate the thought of losing that.
It's all just confusing and makes my mind race and hurt. It's painful, and I feel responsible for the pain - I wish I could explain that part more, but I'm not able to right now.
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