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A Red Panda
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Default Sep 11, 2013 at 06:44 AM
I'm sorry that the school councellor and psychologist have said this to you! That's so unprofessional of them, because they ARE trained to talk to you and it is their job. They should at least be referring you to a specialist if that is what they think you need. I know it might be hard, but you should go back to your school councelor and ask them directly if THEY aren't trained to help you, then can they direct you to someone who can - and to ask them to explain why they can't help you. They might not have any experience or confidence in regards to bipolar, but that isn't a valid reason to turn you away when you attend school. And, if you're like most of the world, you've probably got a lot of things that you want to talk to that aren't just how to manage the bipolar symptoms right?

Your teachers would have to refer you to the councelor - they can try to listen to you, but if things feel out of their hands (which admittedly, bipolar would be for most teachers), then it is their professional responsibility to go to the proper adult - the councellor.

"The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things. Of shoes, of ships, of sealing wax, of cabbages, of kings! Of why the sea is boiling hot, of whether pigs have wings..."

"I have a problem with low self-esteem. Which is really ridiculous when you consider how amazing I am.

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Thanks for this!
Phoenix_1, shezbut