You deserve better. I deserve better. I don't understand why we self injure. I asked my T why and he gave me the line about how it is a learned response the provides comfort. Yada Yada. I already know this because I feel the pressure release when I hurt myself but WHY do I hurt myself. "What is wrong with me?" I have been in therapy for damn near 3 years, learned tons of new coping skills, am mentally stable 95% of the time, I AM ACTUALLY HAPPY MOST OF THE TIME so why is it I still hurt myself? It is beyond me. I am convinced that there is some way to beat this, there is some way to NOT seek physical pain to release emotional pain. I am absolutely positive we can learn how to move past it all.
Don't know if this all helps, it is my form of a hug. Take care.
<font color=green>Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms, you would never see the beauty of their carvings.--Elisabeth Kubler-Ross