What do you do when the idiot agency you deal with cuts off your meds.....Yes I was a fee patient...no insurance, no job...
was getting lithium and effexor and kpins....
The Meds person was a PA and not a MD. She would not consult the MD.
It was RHA/Phoenix in NC and because I was transferring from another agency that closed, she said you were off the Kpins for X weeks so I am not ever ever going to give you these again. I guess she might have said I was cured(LOL).
Also they have a substance abuse/DUI business that brings in the big bucks, thus everyone is "a druggie" and everyone must stop any meds that MIGHT be addictive(but are required for panic attacks)
Any navy yards around here?(JK) Don't people know not to mess with mental health people's meds? Unreal!!!!
In a panic cause I had a breakdown dream with some of the players from my original breakdown from 07.....UGGG
Rod B in NC (feel free to email me suggestions)