Thread: Mean Cops
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Default Sep 19, 2013 at 02:35 PM
I dont' care what they accused her of or even that they caught her in possession. Crying does not equate to being out of control and she deserved even as an arrested person, more care. I wouldn't even say they needed compassion, I wouldn't expect that from police arresting what they have deemed a drug abuser or dealer but there is an expectation of humane care that even a prisoner is to be given and they seem to have ingnored that idea. Thing is when they arrest someone, this person, whether wrong or not is "innocent until proven guilty" on top of the fact that even if she were guilty she'd deserve more care than they gave. To end up with sores on her wrists from the tightness of the cuffs says to me they were bordering on abusive, but then that's from my perspective, I dont' know if cuffs give you sores typically, it just seems like more than would be expected in my mind.

I really would consider filing a complaint. Without arguing anyting on her innocence/guilt, just on the basist of her treatment. I'm no law person, so I don't know if it would work but if it were my daughter I'd probably be considering this.

I'm sorry for your discovery of your daughter's problem with heroin too. I hope you and she can work out something to get her help with the drugs and/or with the MI.
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