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Default Sep 29, 2013 at 09:25 AM
That sounds great, DocJohn.
Thanks to you and the staff for taking the time to consider the issue and look into it further.

I very much appreciate it, and though I can only specifically speak for myself, I am sure there are other site users who will appreciate this, as well.


Originally Posted by DocJohn View Post
Thank you for this set of suggestions.

The "Ignore" function is meant to help a member with other members they have interpersonal differences with. It was never intended to be an "absolute" sort of tool, and it never will be.

While we may be able to implement some of the changes requested -- specifically with regards to the thank and hugs buttons -- we simply don't know yet as it takes time & resources to even investigate the issue further. We will add it to our development "to-do" list to investigate further, but we're looking at least 60 days before that can be done.

I'll let you know when it's happened and our findings at that time.

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Thanks for this!