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Member Since Oct 2013
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Default Oct 03, 2013 at 12:48 AM
G'Day, from Sydney Australia.. I found this blog site today, and was curious.. so I joined. I'm 43yrs old, S,Injurer, since I was kneehigh to a grasshopper.. When I was growing up, we never had people to discuss this with, and to let others know about it was never an option... not even doctors. Infact this is the first place I've ever heard ppl discuss it. The only reason I found this site is because I had a recent.. situation.. that caused me to search out something that could tell me I am not insane because of my SI. (I have never sought out treatment or even to see anyone for my situation) I am one who does not really remember the instances where I SI, I only remember the outcome.. on rare occasions I have flashbacks, but as I said, this is rare. It has been like this since, forever, I guess. I do not relate to the reasons I've found people discussing, but do relate to the after effects of my SI, scaring, and recently, the new wounds...but not as in shame or embarrassment, more of a detatched kind of it never happened... only difference is this time I've had to tell my partner, he would have seen it. I haven't SI'd for 5 1/2yrs, this has totally thrown me out of whack...and obviously upset my partner too, as he thought I had gotten past it. (He has seen old scars). I don't know what I will get out of this site or what I can offer.. if anything.. yet, but just thought I'd introduce myself..and say hi...
soo.. "hi"
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