Thread: dissociation
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Default Jun 27, 2004 at 09:22 AM
I can relate. I really have memory problems as well. PTSD and sometimes it can really be frustrating for me. I have asked many times why this happens, only there are just too many things or reasons for it so I sometimes find myself trying to really think of how or why or when I lost my memory.

For over 10 years now I have not had any concept of time, such as placing years and such to where I was living during that given year. I have some memory recall, of the past 10 years though seem to have more flashback types of events or situations come into my mind which are unwanted and have not thought of for years. Normaly these unwanted memorys come because of something I see or a song I hear 'take me back' I dont know why.

My short term memory is very poor as well, and since last year sometime I have been trying to journal my days events, feelings, mood, and such as some sort of personal documentation of being able to print each day and the date and file them by month and year so I have a sense of security that in the future I am wondring what I was doing in like this June of 2004, I can if I need to or feel the need and read the journals to have some sort of time table of the events and feelings during that date.

I save a weeks worth at a time to let my T know what was going on inbetween visits, it is helpful for me to be able to skim through the daily journals and read the things to her, I feel were important since the last visit. Most of the time I have forgoten by Friday my day on Monday, so this helps her understand where I am at for the week and also seems to be a coping skill and helps me deal with the memory loss.

I hope you can work with your T as finding a way of coping with the memory problems you suffer from. I wish you the best, and I am sure someone else may have other ideas or input on this, I could benifit as well.

Best Wishes-

If you think you have totally gave up, you haven't, because you are here!


If you think you have totally givin' up- you haven't, because you are here!

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