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Default Oct 07, 2013 at 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by ferrari121 View Post
posted a similar question already I just need some more advice. need some advise with my marriage. I been with my wife for 5 years 2 of them where bf and gf and the other 3 being married . during all those 3 years of marriage every big fight we had she will give me the ring back and said that's it and then will run and go back with her parents. however before leaving me and going with her parents she will cursed at me, call me names, insulted me, even slap me and scratching me like my arm and neck. she even cursed and insulted my parents one time we where having breakfast. every time she leaves the fist 2 to 4 days will not talk to me or if she does will just be to insult me. after those days she will try to talk to me and beg me to take her back sometimes she will give me gifts or even get down on her knees and start crying saying she will change and never do that again and that is when she convinces me to take her back.she changes but just for 2 or 3 months and then goes back to her old habits. But being this the 7th time she does that in 3 years I am wondering if i should take her back or just move on. I am 24 she is 23 with no children and I think I am not a bad husband I just graduated with a bachelors degree to have a better life with her, I dont drink, dont smoke or i dont even go out with friends and leave her alone because she would get mad at me and start fighting. And we have tried counseling all those 7 times and we end up going for a month or so and she stops going


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Now she keeps texting me and emailing me saying she is sorry and that she will change. she does look like she is telling the truth but the thing is that she has done this 6 times 7 with this one so i dont believe her anymore however sometimes i do feel like responding her and just talk to her but I know she wont change is this normal to feel this way wanting to talk to her again and discuss about this problem or should i just forget about her and move on?

I have to your position, I'd want to leave her; be very grateful you have no kids with her at this time. If you really want to stay, I would insist that she go to therapy with the caveat that if she discontinue's it you will leave her. And this time, mean it. However, remember....not having kids with her can be changed, abruptly and it will change this dynamic for the rest of your life. If you haven't been using birth control, and you let her come back, start using it. That's my biggest suggestion.

Personally....I'd move on, as difficult as it would be. The thing is, a wise man told me once that it wasn't leaving him I hated the thought of, but leaving the time I'd vested iin the relationship. That's not, I repeat, NOT the same thing.

Good luck
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