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Member Since Nov 2012
Posts: 5
Default Oct 30, 2013 at 10:38 PM
Okay, So I have had a documented learning/mental disability since I was 12 years old. This has followed me through high school. I had a 504 plan in high school and have recent documentation of behavior health center visits. The problem is my art instructor won't give me a break what so ever for extended time for turning in work for this class. I have four classes, two of them art, and even one of my art teachers was just understanding enough to give me a break, but this is a documented lifelong disability that I have. I asked the instructor if you can give me extra time, he said that I must turn it in for a lower grade regardless of disability because it says in his syllabus that any health problems are not accommodated. Can he do this or is there a law under American Disability Acts that requires extended time if needed. I have been stressing out left and right as I am in the middle of finding a new psychologist (wait list), and have to take anti-psychotics daily just to live and be healthy, stress does not help this. Is he allowed to be this kind of dismissive? Is this discrimination against my disability?
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