Thread: BPD or what?
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Default Nov 01, 2013 at 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Shellsh0cked View Post

Anyone wanna punch some holes in that theory...that's all it is...
I won't, but I will add something. I think you are more than marginally correct about her being alone, at work, probably stressed and feeling abandoned (because you weren't with her--as impossible as that would be, the impossibility only adds to the insecurity); she probably remembered a look, possibly (probably) not coming from you at all, possibly (probably) coming from her mother (yes, this is weird, but hear me out) takes very very little for a BPD to create a mountain, worth climbing to us, because with all of our trust issues and abandonment issues raging, we can't see anything else but the climb. We assault the mountain like we're desperate to find an answer, and the only answer we can see is the most absurd...but in our spectrum of terror, its the only one there.

The sad thing is, I totally get why she did that. Is it wrong? Absolutely. Did you lose something of yourself by trying to assure her/look intently at ALL your behavior for any sign you did something wrong? Absolutely. Does this eventually bind you tighter to her, while destroying your self-esteem and trust in your inner self/mind? Absolutely. Was that her intention? No.

She's boxed in and can't see what she's doing, was doing. Our version of 'normal' is skewed, and unless we are willing to LOOK at why our lives are shattered, we just keep doing the same thing, the same ways, and pity ourselves because we're always alone and always hurting. Which always brings the next 'brave soul' to the rescue and it happens again.

It's a better thing you got out. I do pity her tho. I wasn't, am not quite as virulent as she was (plus I have NPD issues woven in my BPD cloth) but from the most base levels, I can see her mind, and how it works....and that she will never really be free from 'broken'....and that she will only have a peripheral idea of what 'broken' is.

Be well.
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Thanks for this!
Truth in Ruin