For several years, I struggled with SI, and most of the times, gave in to my addiction. from slaps and hits, to burns and cuts, I always felt the need to punish myself, and every time I did... It felt so good. But that "high" never lasted long, so I began to do it more. Yet the more I did it, the worst I felt, and my "highs" were no longer high. So I began to cut deeper, and burn longer, until I realized that I had a problem, and needed to stop. Two years later, here I am. Nearly every day I still have those thoughts and desires run through my mind, and perhaps for the rest of my life they will, but I've been able to control them. It's really difficult, and honestly some days I don't know how much longer I can last... but I do. I guess what I'm trying to say is, is that if you're struggling with SI, I understand - and maybe I can help. feel free to pm me, because I could also use a friend to talk to.