It is a very empowering feeling to take over control of your life......One thing I found when I had tried to push for divorce prior to leaving is that he would always say....I'm not leaving the house & I'm not giving up this or that......& I would end up feeling hopeless again about the level of fight it was going to take & I would end up giving up.
This time, there is an issue with his retirement fund & he made a comment that it's "not on the table".....I told him to get a lawyer so they could resolve it because it wasn't UP TO HIM TO MAKE ANY FAIRNESS determination at this's not fair that he gets absolutely everything from the 33 years......the money I took from the refi was money I loaned him from my inheritance with the agreement to be paid back out of the refi.....I should have gotten that in writing but I was going through some major PTSD issues from a trauma I went through with the home care person when my mom was dying of he's choosing to be a jerk & I'm now willingly giving in any longer.....but 2100 miles away from him & not being under the same roof has been a total blessing.
Hope things go well for you....but don't be surprised what stupid stuff that might end up coming up to complicate the issues......don't let it get to you though no matter what...fight for what you KNOW IS FAIR.