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Wise Elder
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Default Jan 30, 2007 at 09:37 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
onlymedid said:
I have not been able to have an orgasm in over a week. I had some problems before, but now I just get frustrated at trying. I have to say that I am on Zoloft and Lamictal.

I want to just quit the meds all together, but am scared that things might get bad again.

I wonder if any other women have this problem or even any men.
IDK what to do and I don't want my partner to feel like they are failing me or anything.

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

YES....... I would say that many men & women that take any kind of Serotonin medicine for Depression, Mood Swings etc will tend to have (at time or any other) complications in the bedroom... with the "Getting to the Finish Line" and some times even just "Trying to get in the Mood".
REASON: High Levels of Serotonin (from the meds) - (what we need to mentally calm us can also sexually calm us).

Now if I might give some personal advice here (from 1 yr experience) - I would have to say that all is not lost and that you are defiantly better off in the long for having taken the medicine... no matter how hard receiving sexual pleasure may become - for if your partner is any thing like my husband he wants you to be here in life with him physically more than he needs (or wants) sex.

I would say with out a doubt that you are better off in life & love being on the medicine you are taking than without..... for your emotions might just get the best of you on a bad day - and then what? - like it has gotten me many times over when I went off my meds due to the sexual side effects I was having problems with.

Talk to your T about the concerns you are having with sex and taking the meds and maybe even talk to your GP...... and see if they might be able to prescribe some WELLBUTRIN for you like Fayerody suggested.
I have been told by a doctor that this medicine can help you if you are having sexual problems with your other medicines. Now I am not for sure if you take it with your old medicine or if you stop the old medicine and start taking this one... but it something that I am going to ask my GP about when I see her in February.
.... the only thing I will miss if the Wellbutrin works for me is the extra time hubby takes with me to ensure that I get to the finish line with him.

Good Luck.......

Rhapsody -
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