You know how you feel about these creepy people online and how they pose a threat to you?
Well, I live with that reality every day, and every single day the people who hurt me are right next door to me and I have to see and hear them every single day. Often when I am on my way to see my therapist I will be going down the road and my neighbor is coming at me going the opposite direction. I can't believe how many times this happens to me and that it is at a time of day where it is not the time of day when people are going to or coming home for work or lunch. It happened again this week and this time I made myself look at him and because I did that I suffered flashbacks and I passed the turn I was supposed to take to go see my therapist and by the time I realized it, I was too far in the wrong direction so I ended up going home and luckily I could do my session over the phone. I am lucky that I have developed a relationship with my T so I can do that because sometimes I am struggling so much that I just can't drive the 45 minutes to get to him, and pass that damn psychward where I can look up and see the window I stood at staring out in shock at what had happened to me that led to my staring out that window in such a creepy place.
I struggle every day with this bad entity right next to me and he "has" challenged my boundary in other ways too. He has popped up to confront me when I am "alone" and though I always fight back, and I do have this lawsuit going, I never really know what he will do next. It is a very creepy scenario for me to have to exist with every day, believe me.