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Default Dec 07, 2013 at 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Asiablue View Post
... But this week she's suggested not doing the journal thing, unless i really have something i need to discuss in session. She said it was because i'm doing a lot of work at home (art work and writing) but struggling in session to do any art. But i'm also wondering if she's taking away the journal thing as a way to push me into contacting her when i feel so bad instead of isolating myself??? ...

I can't tell from this. NOt sure what I would need to tell. I imagine there are several possibilties.

maybe she doesn't want you to isolate yourself, like you suggest.

Maybe she wants you to learn to trust her? although I don't hear you not trusting her.

Maybe she wants to be there to rescue?

Has writing to yourself and working with yourself resulted in the kind of growth you want? It sounds like she is concerned about your growth, and that sessions with her are a struggle. Do you think your work at home contributes to that? Do you think the work at home is helpful? or is it a barrier to work during the session? or something else?
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