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Default Jan 30, 2007 at 08:47 PM
I'm on my 3rd marriage now. The first was a very abusive alcoholic and sperm donor for my 2 beautiful daughters. The second was a nice guy who treated me quite well. Unfortunately, as we aged, I kept learning and growing while he sat in his recliner and watched tv when he wasn't working. We grew apart, but I have no ill feeling towards him and still care about him more as a brother than as a husband. This's something I never ever could dream would have happened to me in a million years. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love him. He is good and kind and smart and funny and a hard worker.

Ok, onto my point. Everything we go through in relationships is a learning experience. We learn what works, we learn what doesn't work. We learn different ways of dealing with issues. We take what we have learned and apply it to the here and now and go from there. Hopefully we don't make the same mistake twice.

Life is a gamble, no matter what we do. There is nothing that is guarenteed. I for one wish to live my life, take from it what I can, learn and grow. If that means being alone, then so be it, but if it means being with another, I can do that too. We are all individuals, and I try hard not to compare. I've learned I can voice my wants and desires because I have that right....and from the start with my current husband, I told him to expect that and deal with it! LOL And he does

Most of all....I think we women need to listen to our gut. Our intuition is strong and right 99% of the time.

Happiness to you all!

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Thanks for this!