Thread: Fake people
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Default Dec 14, 2013 at 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by CrimsonBlues View Post
Hello 15LRC-

I think you are right-actions speak louder than words. And, to me, it is a red flag when people act differently when they are alone with me and when they are around others. I wonder who they really are-which one is the real version? You wrote that some people said they didn't see a problem with the person but it may be that you are just more aware of things, more attuned to the way people respond and the way they act. I strongly believe in paying attention to your inner instincts-those instincts are there to protect you. I agree with the other people on this thread-back away from this person. A true friendship should be give and take and it sounds like you are doing all the giving. I would follow your instincts. I wish you well.
Yep, totally agree. And even though she has ADHD, she really only gets real hyper when she is around a certain group of people, so I think it is more of her just being inconsiderate. I agree, I think the other two friends are being blinded since the other two are dating so they are always focused on each other so they probably don't realize it. And yes, I tend to notice more when something is wrong. She does very little giving, very little. And she tends to annoy people a lot, even the other two friends seem to get annoyed at times by her hyper ness. And if I am upset, the other two people are the ones who notice and ask if I am okay. The one girl doesn't, and she avoids any possibility of talking about a problem if she thinks someone is mad at her, like, she'll try to find her way out of it so she won't have to talk to that person.
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