but then i guess it is because... and i hate to admit this... but it is because... i've become a bit of a feminist.
but i'm reminded of a quote out of Atwood's book 'The Handmaid's Tale'
Is our future destined to always be determined by our bodies?
Or similar...
The notion is that...
By embracing the ideal of feminine traits... We perpeptuate the stereotype... Which does nothing for equality.
But then similarly for guys. Similarly for guys.
Why o why o why can't there be a middle way?
People are people are people are people...
I find gender stereotypes to be about as unhelpful as racial stereotypes.
Ain't so bad if you have a 'positive' stereotype...
But negative stereotypes... Can be confirmed as a matter of self-fulfilling prophecy...
And the stereotype of females... What it is that we should aspire to... Well... Its incoherant / Inconsistent is what it is...
Develop as a *person* imho...
(this is a rant about how these boards are supposed to be useful. i see the use with respect to a relatively safe place for people to discuss difficulties they are having etc. but i guess i worry about this notion that somehow or other a persons opinion is supposed to be worth more because they are the same gender as you)