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Default Feb 06, 2007 at 06:38 AM
I'm sorry if the last post appeared to be a rant rather than a coherent answer I will clarify further:

has you may have guessed this is a big issue for me, before she stopped the visitation I was only getting to see my son approx 4-6 times a year, I was not happy about that, but there was nothing I could do to change it, something is better than nothing right?

no matter how much I tried to see or even speak to him more she stonewalled me at every turn. she was moaning at me via email that my son was not doing very well at school at the time with his reading and writing, he is 9 this year, so I offered to buy him a computer of his own and pay for the internet access so he could speak to me online in pm or email when ever he wanted, he would learn to spell and read in a more fun way whilst learning to type also, so the computer was a ideal solution, she said no, but offered no explanation why she thought this was a bad idea.

On his birthday last year I promised to buy him a mini moto motor bike so that we could have some fun when we did get to see each other, he told me his friends had them but his mom wouldn’t let him have one, she wouldn’t even let him have a bmx or mountain bike, so to keep his mom happy and to stop her from cancelling the visitation I backed down on the mini moto and bought him a brand new bmx with all the safety gear, helmet, gloves, kneepads, shoulder pads, elbow pads, even reinforced ankle supported trainers so if he fell of the bmx which boys, and men do (I must admit I have played on it myself lol,) he would not hurt himself, he looked like he was going to play American football not ride a bike, I spent every spare penny I had to get him what he wanted, they all had to be matching colour, but different makers brands, you know the thing,

well so has not to ramble on to much and cut a long story short, I took him back to his mother with the bike and all the gear and she refused to let him keep it at her house, so I had to bring it all back to mine, I live in one room, 12 foot by 18 foot, that’s the extent of my domain, currently I have a bmx, a mountain bike, 5 computers, TV, fridge, double bed, 2 wardrobes, sink, chair, table, side board and 2x 2foot by 18 inch vivariums, I have had to hang the bmx on the wall above the bed just so I can get into my room so space is at a premium here, she knew that but still wouldn’t back down.

My point being these are just 2 examples of her petty minded thinking, I’ve jumped threw hoops to keep her happy so that she doesn’t cut my access off, I have had to put aside my loathing and contempt for this woman for 7 years now and yet she is still relentless in her approach to me not seeing my son on a regular basis, now not at all, the courts cant help me, my son probably hates me, and I just have run out of ideas on how I can fix this.
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