Thread: hiding feelins
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Default Feb 06, 2007 at 11:29 PM
hi david welcome to the forum

the one friend i have knows next to nothing about my dx, we still talk but in a roundabout way, for example i would say something like oh i know this kid and he is worried about blah blah blah, what do you think i should say to him or her, he knows i am refering to myself when i ask the questions, and he does the same to me, it depersonalises everything, i dont speak to my "family" and neither does he when he has a problem, he does know i know a lot more about mental health issues than i ever let on to him, so a lot of the time the questions are one way, i can deal with that,

i guess my point is it is good to know that you can talk to your friends, if you want, and that that is an option you can take or leave, its always good to have options

i look forward to seeing you post more on the boards
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