1.) Talk to far away friends on Facebook.
2.) Play snake (Once I start playing snake, I find it hard to stop so it's a good distraction.)
3.) Listen to your favourite song over and over again, singing along to it if you wish.
4.) Re-blog tons of pictures and stuff on Tumblr that describe how you feel, your feelings towards loved ones, quotes from tv shows, movie quotes, quotes from songs and how you feel about the friends you have. (Yeah, I generally spend at least three hours on Tumblr per day doing this.)
5.) Pull faces in the mirror.
6.) Talk to yourself. You'd be surprised about what you can learn from these conversations. Or maybe that's just me.
7.) Scream into your pillow. (I got that one from watching Lilo and Stitch.)
8.) Do a spot of people watching.
9.) Write down all of your negative thoughts on a piece of paper and then destroy it.
10.) Write down good things about yourself on a piece of paper and then put it up on the bed room door, so when you get up in the morning you will see it. and remember what's good about you.