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Default Feb 14, 2007 at 01:33 PM
okay so i don't know much about this (embarrasingly enough).

i'll tell you a story (my understanding) and please correct my misunderstandings (really) because i really don't know very much at all...

so... women have their period (roughly) monthly, or every 28 days or something like that. and having your period is about your body flushing out blood (etc) that has collected in your womb in the hope that a fertalised egg will implant in it...

and... roughly mid=cycle (half way between those 28 days or whatever) women ovulate. which is the time that the egg is acually released and delivered to the womb. and ovulation is the time that women are most fertile?

i'm trying to understand this... i didn't really realise that women were more or less fertile at different points in their cycle (or i didn't understand when that was). but... i'm just trying to understand, i guess...
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