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Default Feb 15, 2007 at 10:40 PM
'if we are going to segregate people by gender, lets do it right'


there are the general boards and the relationship boards as well.

what i'd really really really really really like to know is

1) what is the criteria for posting in the guys board (or the girls board)? chromosomes? sex organs? gender identity?
2) what is the penalty for breaching one of the above?
3) whatever next? race? social class? income?

i'm kidding around slightly...

(though since this is a mental health board and all i am concerned for people who here / who might join up with a gender identity disorder... there are also medical conditions such that... i guess i just don't know how sensitive i find the idea of the segregation to be precisely for those reasons)

personally... i wouldn't want the few guys from the guys board to be considered representative of all guys...

and there would probably be more of an audience on general or relationships...


i still don't really see why someones opinion should be worth more (or less) simply because they are the same (or different) chromosomes or genitals or gender identity (or whatever) as you...