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Default Feb 20, 2007 at 06:48 PM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
butterflylady747 said:
i would like to apologize to our gentlemen in the men's forum for the inappropriate posting by a woman in their forum.......i found it disrespectful.....

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

I would like to say that I find it to be condescending and inappropriate that you should see fit to apologise on behalf of woman kind for what you judge to be my 'inappropriate' and 'disrespectful' action.

Firstly because I made it clear I was posting on the men's forum because part of me has male gender identity.

Secondly because to call my action 'inappropriate' is dismissive, and invalidating of how I experience my gender. It is also assuming that I have malevolent (disrespectful) intent instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt (which is customary).

Thirdly because I am not you or your dependent child for it to be your place to apologise for my actions.

Please refrain from judging me and apologising on my behalf.
