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mrb020377's Avatar
Member Since May 2005
Posts: 2,252
Default Feb 21, 2007 at 11:47 AM
there are things i do to my husband that seem to keep the "heat" alive.

sometimes during the day i send him sexy little text messages telling him what i would like to do when he gets home.

sometimes after the kids go to bed i will go hop in the shower and then make a "walk" through the living room wearing only a short t-shirt.

somtimes i even go as far as instigating things after he has gone to bed before me. ( those times are great)

hubby and i have been together for almost 14 years and have been married for 10 next week and we go through dry spells as well.

I try to tell him how sexy he is and make him feel good about himself.

~~~~~btw walking around the house naked, seems to spark the fire...

Live life passionately, love unconditionally.
Hope for the best, laugh your heart out.
Cry when you need to, learn from the past.
And remember what is meant to be will find its way.

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