</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
ECHOES said:
I say this because it was in addition to other acitivies (temperature-taking, enemas) and because of the manner it was done: clothing angrily yanked down, forced to bend over her lap, sometimes an obect was used like a hairbrush, done in front of other people, and with delight.
</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">
I'm so sorry that happened. It definitely sounds like someone was taking a sadistic pleasure in that. That's a terrible scenario. Whether or not it affected your sexuality, it sounds like they may have been getting some undue pleasure out of it! That's horrible!
Note that all the items (hairbrushes, paddles, etc.) that are associated with childhood discipline are always for sale in sex shops. Yet people don't seem to talk about how they got connected to sex.
(edited to add trigger icon)