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Default Feb 16, 2014 at 10:03 AM
Not "properly", but I do aim to get fiber, veg', protein, etc. I don't drink much in the way of booze, and I don't go crazy with sugary crap. I eat a takeout, now and again, but it's more like once a week at most, and even then, I always insist on something with a ton of veg' in it, like Domino's Chicken Tikka Hot "wrapz" that have plenty of veg' in it. I currently drink decaffeinated tea, peppermint tea, water, and Pepsi, but the Pepsi isn't often. The Pepsi is apparently sugar and caffeine free. I used to drink Pepsi/Coke a LOT, a few cans a day. I dunno how I managed to get into drinking so much Pepsi, but I "canned" that, recently, because my doctor suspected that, alongside my anxiety, all the Pepsi and caffeine was screwing with my bladder. I have issues relating to food, as well, so I have to be careful with what I eat. I can't really eat 3 full meals a day, so I tend to go with a few small portions and one meal at the end of the day. Anywho, I really don't think food was causing heart palpitations, although diet is definitely an issue with me.

As mentioned, I do have an anxiety problem, to say the least; I'm disabled (officially) by it, alongside OCD. I think it's GAD or something - health anxiety, social anxiety, blah blah blah.

The charcoal tablets are just for built-up gas (and are also handy to have, as they can help get rid of toxins in the body) with which I have a problem. I take one if I have a particularly acidic meal, or a heavy meal, such as pasta, that would need sure there's not going to be a huge amount of gas getting in the way.

I took Prozac as well, for a couple of years. It sounds to me like your body really didn't agree with it. I was sort of OK with Prozac, until I came off it, when I had nasty withdrawals, those of which lasted for ages.

My doctor leads me to think that I'm otherwise healthy. I had a test done for diabetes and other things, lately. A number of years ago, I went to A&E (health anxiety thing ¬_¬) and it was for my chest. I had an x-ray, and some heart-related stuff done (blood-pressure test, I assume) and they all said I was fine; although I was very fit and healthy, back then, I like to think it still holds some weight.

The Propranolol is a beta-blocker, which reduces blood-pressure, and thus helps with symptoms of anxiety, which is why I take them.

I actually worked out, last night, and not long after, I started to relax; it was just anxiety, although I'm not entirely sure why; perhaps something in the programme triggered me and due to my therapy, I managed to ignore the trigger, but the anxiety remained. I've not been sleeping very well, lately, which is pretty normal for me, so I think that has something to do with it. I find I get more anxious if I haven't slept properly.

I am overweight, at least according to my BMI, but I have a "muscular" build (not Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I used to look "athletic", as I worked out, cardio and weights, regularly and some obsessively, for years, until I stopped due to depression and other personal reasons) so I assume I'm not quite as "obese" as the BMI charts say I am. Everyone say I don't look overweight at all, although I imagine they're just saying that. I know getting exercise is an issue for me, and it's not just depression I battle, it's my bladder, my bowels, my sleep, etc. There's no point in working out, if it's going to make me ill. After a couple of years of battling the depression and willpower, I finally got back into it, but then I started getting abdominal problems like mentioned above, and I had to stop; it completely threw me off and put me back to square one. :|

Yeah, I agree that "panic attack" is perhaps overused. I am anxious pretty much all the time, and have been that way for most of my life. I don't know if you know of the term "free-floater", but that's pretty much me. The Propranolol helps, but it doesn't get rid of it. Point is, I sometimes struggle to know whether I'm actually having my version of a "panic attack", because it's all so normal for me. I can't help but to be dismissive, when a normal, healthy Joe Bloggs tells me they're having a panic attack; it feels as though they have no clue.

{ Kein Teufel }
Translation: Not a devil
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