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Member Since Dec 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 297
Default Feb 25, 2007 at 03:39 PM
It certainly makes sense that abusive childhood spankings is one way an adult would become interested in abusive adult sexual activities. I imagine that such an adult would have to work really hard to learn what healthy adult sexuality is all about. I would hope that such an adult could find a path towards healing.

I think it is barbaric to have such paddling go on within a school setting and I am sorry you were exposed to such situations. There are better methods for maintaining discipline within a school setting. The opposite of physical abuse isn't permissiveness - which in my opinon is just another form of abuse in and of itself. Not resorting to spanking doesn't mean that you just let the kids do whatever they want - which is a very common response by folks who really truely believe that spanking is the best method to discipline children.

Children need clear consistent rules along with clear consistent responses from the adults who are their parents as well as those adults who are their teachers.

I would love it if ALL corporal punishment within schools (private and public) would stop. I wish that for those adults who are suffering still for the humiliation suffered during childhood can be healed.
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