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Default Feb 27, 2007 at 07:29 PM
i saw my son on saturday, had a blazing row with the ex at the same time, i told my son that i have been trying to see him since before xmas and that because of his mom it has taken 2 1/2 months for me to see him,

she denied this so i showed him the emails i had sent to his mom asking to see him has i have saved every single one for the last 4 years, this also at the same time showed my son that she does have my email address and has always had it, so is able to contact me at any time, something she told him she didnt have, so she was pretty miffed at being proved a lier with her own words

her boyfriend didnt show up when we met but she did tell my son i had beaten him up, i didnt deny it and i think my son understood why i did what i did

after that she asked my son if he still wanted to spend the day with me, he said no he wants to spend the whole weekend with me, this got her mad, her little plan had backfired, she had expected him to say no and go home with her, instead he got on the train into central london for a day out with me instead, he wants me to take him rockclimbing again next time we meet, i took him once before but he didnt like it to much, i have most of the equiptment required for this already so it should be fun, and now he also wants me to teach him how to fish has he lives next to a canal that runs behind his house thats full of perch.

anyway i took him to the shop and bought him a few ps2 games i had promised to get him last time we met, i didnt bother getting the list he had compiled last time i saw him has i knew he would have changed his mind when we met again, we played kickass on the streets of kilburn and he fed the snakes after playing with them for a while then i kicked his *** on the ps2 for a bit before taking him home to his mother.

i have already sent the email asking for visitation again in 2 weeks, this time i asked her in front of my son has well, so he could hear loud and clear me asking, she said she will get back to me, so now its a case of ding ding round 2 sit and wait.
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