I have a hard time picking out a GAF for myself because I function highly in some areas, and quite symptomatic in others. When I was admitted to hospital my GAF was 25. A year later when I was reassessed it was 65. When I was in grad school I was probably in the 20s or 30s, but I still managed to complete the program and work full time, just living in a mixed state hell, and totally suicidal for a lot of it. I think I'm probably still around a 60 or 65 for GAF now, maybe a little lower. But I think my SOFAS is is closed to 75. That's the chart for social and occupational functioning. I think I'm higher than GAF because I work full time and I have friends. I'm not sure if you average the 2 scores for the overall psychopathology score, or if you take the lower. At my work we take the lower for people, but that's for research purposes. Clinically we use both scores.
"Does the body rule the mind, or does the mind rule the body?"
"Those who feel the breath of sadness, sit down next to me. Those feel they're touched my madness, sit down next to me. Those who find themselves ridiculous, sit down next to me."