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Member Since Mar 2014
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Posts: 17
Default Mar 12, 2014 at 12:14 AM
Hi all,

Thanks in advance for any and all advice you can offer.

I've been seeing a girl for 6 months. Aside from what is going on now, we've had one falling out. I was moody at dinner, effectively wasting her time, and causing her to cry and ask for space. I complied and we ended up having a stronger relationship, after admitting my wrongs and showing her how I would change (which I did).

More recently, I was out drinking with an old, old friend. She met up with us. I was loud, obnoxious, rude, and just unpleasant to her. In my stupor, I could sense her extreme dissatisfaction. I left her alone and continued to have fun with my friend, who was only in town for a short time.

The next day I thanked her for meeting with us, and said I felt like such a fool for being such an idiot. She simple replied that she was not pleased with how the day went, and stated she would call me. I sobered up, ran errands, and picked her up something nice. She's very busy, independent, intelligent, and has an insane work ethic: unfortunately leaving her stressed. I bought her something to help her relax, left it with a note saying I hope her week would go well, and left it in her mail box.

She didn't call like she had said she would, but sent me a nice text thanking me for the gift. She said it was thoughtful, that her day had been hellacious, and she was drained. I simply told her I was happy she liked the gift and wished her a good night's sleep.

She's still not reached out to me. I don't blame her for her disappointment in me. I took a kind gesture by her and made it something bad, compounding stress that already exists in her life. I want to see her, if only for a few minutes, to give her a genuine apology and offer her all the time/space she needs.

In the past when I've blundered, I've offered her space to recalibrate. It's worked, but the dead silence isn't troubling.

Other facets of our relationship: we're sexual, but it's inconsistent. She's often not in the mood, and I obviously don't push her. We've met each others' families, but not yet very close. We are both young professionals with right futures and both pretty strong personalities.

I do like this girl. I wish I had someone to advise me. I'll give her some more time, but wonder if I shouldn't assert myself more.

Thanks for reading this long, long story. Thanks for advice in advance.
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