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Old Mar 14, 2014, 07:49 AM
Anouk Anouk is offline
Member Since: Feb 2014
Location: Australia
Posts: 54
If I just talk about it with no pressure -- then it helps. It has come up spontaneously during a conversation with a close friend. It is detrimental if I am pushed to talk about it and I am a mess, triggered and go into hypervigilance big time in those situations and that goes on for ages -- days and days.

I did have a lot of therapy for my C-PTSD. I did make a lot of progress considering what happened to me, but if I am emotionally abused by anyone -- it is very hard for me and that has never gone away in spite of years of working on it.

EMDR didnt help at all either.
Hugs from:
Thanks for this!