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Old Mar 17, 2014, 02:24 PM
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tornoversurgery tornoversurgery is offline
Member Since: Jun 2013
Posts: 46
Originally Posted by Michanne View Post
Sorry for the late reply. I missed this. I think facilities management is more than that depending on the co. I know I have worked with some that were more involved with coordination, supplies (control of), security badges. You might have to do some computer work but nothing like IT. You could check out the occupational dictionary the the dept of labor puts out.

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Thx for getting back.

I'm not clear on "coordination", but supplies is going to be computer based, security job is what I'll have to do if I can't find a new path or a decent sales job that doesn't require too much computer/tablets. I'll have to do it, hope I don't.

I use several occupational guides, they help weed out the computer based, degree required and heavy lifting jobs, I just don't have much to work with after that. Frustrating.