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Member Since Feb 2007
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Default Mar 05, 2007 at 09:55 PM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
Sammy said:
Well i can't speak for everyone else, but i was confused, hence the first post i made on the subject.

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I'm slowly learning to word myself better...

</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
For example, i never ever thought about the fact a child might find spanking sexual until you mentioned it, so now my whole view on spanking has been changed, although punishment in other ways is needed, but that's a different topic lol.

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Hey I'm really glad to have had an effect! :-) Even though it's probably a small percentage of kids who have a sexual reaction to it, it can be bad for those who do! I didn't understand those sexual feelings at all, but I know they affected me and that I grew to have masochistic tendencies because of them. I'm not saying my life was ruined or anything, but it was hard for me to sort things out sexually. I was into B&D for a while (hm, that might fall under "too much information!"), but for someone with those tendencies it's hard not to go too far in and make it the ONLY type of sexual expression. In which case it ends up being not that intimate. It was hard for me to find balance. I don't want other kids to grow up and have the problems that I did, and that's one reason I wanted to talk about this. I strongly suspect that the adult spanking world exists because other people had the same reactions I did as a child. I think most people just write off that crowd as being a bunch of perverts, but I suspect they're just normal people whose sexual reactions were slightly different than the norm. Sexuality is complicated!!!

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