Thread: Broken Hearted
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Default Mar 23, 2014 at 07:24 AM
I've been going over and over this in my head, trying to figure out what I did. How I could have been better and I feel like such an idiot.

There were so many red flags. So many warnings that he wasn't all he appeared to be but in my desperate need to be loved I ignored them.

The way he was declaring his love for me when I was still wondering if we could even be in a relationship.

How after a few months when I was fully hooked he changed from sweet and attentive to apathetic and uninvolved. (He actually admits to "sheltering" me during our initial interactions.)

How every time I brought up my feelings he dismissed them because he hadn't done anything wrong and I was just being over sensitive and needed to get over it. (To be fair I told myself that same thing without his input.)

How he would blow up at even the slightest teasing over a possible imperfection.

How when I finally found the guts to walk away he turned on the nice again. Like a switch, he just started being everything he once was and hadn't been.

And most importantly, he declared HIMSELF a mental terrorist. He admitted that he enjoyed messing with people's heads. It gives him a rush...

But he would never do that to me.
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