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Default Mar 23, 2014 at 08:41 AM
I had terrible chronic pain for three years, then I had a leg amputation and now I "just" have phantom pain.

My psychiatrist says the phantom pain is mostly (influenced by) mental (duress), so he doesn't think I should get treatment for it. I had stuff that worked really well, but I quit it because, at that time, I didn't want to take drugs anymore.

I get the "you're too young". I was 12 when the pain started and 15 when my leg was amputated. I've had almost every drug known to man, but ketamin I could only have for 48 hours, on the IC, instead of the week I really needed it for (applying it during and after surgery helps prevent phantom pain). I couldn't get weed because I was too young. I could only get morphine through an IV while on a heart-rate monitor. So I mostly overdosed on tramadol. My pain doctor is BRILLIANT, though, and he told me I could use twice the FDA-approved dose. (he didn't put this on the prescription, of course, but he said I could if I needed to)

Besides that, I taught myself how to mix OTC drugs and POMs in order to not die and have maximum pain management.
The result is that my GI tract (stomach in particular), kidneys and liver, and other organs but those in particular, are now really bad and I have to take a lot of medicin for that, too. But it's possible.
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