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Default Mar 24, 2014 at 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by tornoversurgery View Post
Thanks for the suggestions, it's been up there for a week, sorry, I've been trying to stay off the computer.

Dragon speech software (and the like) only does dictation, spreadsheet, and a little web stuff, but far from doing "everything" or the type of data entry I did in wholesale. I did a bit of research on the subject, it's making strides but not all the way there yet.

My condition accumulates with sitting & typing/mousing, there is no getting around it, trying to stretch out my computer use career will only make me suffer more pain now & when I am older. The objective is a non-computer career.

The coordination thing you mention is usually lumped into "property mgmt" in CA and requires much computer work. Was studying real estate before this happened, had to stop that path due to computer requirements.

Thx for the suggestions but what's the "parachute" statement about?

I was thinking about the kind of job where you don't have to be on the computer for more than an hour or so per day. But maybe that is too much also. It's really hard to get away from it, as you know. The other new trend is standing desks. I know a few people doing this. Their companies give them the option. But nobody can really stand all day so you still have to sit from time to time. They have desks that will move easily from a sitting and standing position. It also takes practice to get your muscles accustomed to it. There's a cheap DIY version you can build if you think it might help at home. It uses pieces from ikea.

It's a book to help you identify a career. It gets updated every year. I've used it two times over a decade ago to help my find a career. It is usually in the library too.

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