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Altered Moment
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Member Since Feb 2014
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Default Mar 25, 2014 at 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by ChangingMyMind View Post
So, I wanted to be sure to post an update. I got my test from the doc but I do not have it with me. I will post more on that later today when I get home. I will say that the two ADs it suggests I would do well on are: Wellbutrin and Pristiq, that's it!

So, I am still on Pristiq. (For those of you who followed the other thread) I know I feel the effects of medicine quite quickly although I don't believe I am able to determine if an AD is good for me or not within one day or even a week so I decided to stick it out.

Today is day 4 and I can still say that my depression and anxiety are GONE. Non existent at this point, which is amazing! Lexapro had nowhere near this affect on me (FYI Lexapro is in the "bad" list on the test). I have noticed a few things: 1) my heart rate is a bit higher (although I think Lexapro and Celexa dropped it down originally since I was on the really low side 48-60 resting, now I'm at around 72 resting). 2) I am very alert and have increased energy (celexa made me tired). 3) I have less of an appetite 4) My mind is more clear at work (I felt like I was losing my intelligence on Lexapro). 5) Very mild GI issues, slight stomach pain a few times in the first few days and diarrhea for a very short time one day. 6) I feel happy, laughing a lot, very talkative (like I used to be pre-Lexapro). 7) My muscles in my shoulder and neck feel a bit tense (I think that is from the energy), Pristiq is quite activating for me, it's like taking 40mg of Ritalin almost but without the peaks and valleys.

That's all I have right now. Like I said I will follow up with some information about the test later and keep posting on my progress with Pristiq.
That is awesome. I hope it continues and I bet it will.

The "paradox" is only a conflict between reality and your feeling of what reality "ought to be." -- Richard Feynman

Major Depressive Disorder
Anxiety Disorder with some paranoid delusions thrown in for fun.
Recovering Alcoholic and Addict
Possibly on low end of bi polar spectrum...trying to decide.

Male, 50

Fetzima 80mg
Lamictal 100mg
Remeron 30mg for sleep
Klonopin .5mg twice a day, cutting this back
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