Well damn. One of the directors let slip (not intentional, he’s just very amenable and forgets who he is talking to) that he needs to get my mates keys when he comes back in on Monday.
Quick 1+1=2 scenario meaning he’s going to be fired. Pissed off and upset… I acknowledge it’s his own fault and I’m not trying to devalue the impact and fear of god he put into the other manager… or his work collegue who interceded and pulled him away… but damn… just goes to show that however many years of good work, service and general attitude can be for nought due to one minute of rage brought on by stress.
Had sent him a string of texts earlier today to just say that I hoped he was alright and was thinking of him (which he replied back with thanks and that he’d see me on Monday). I know better than to give him a heads up as that could mean my job too (frustration and feeling a bit cowardly)… so yeah, put a crimp on my day