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Default Apr 09, 2014 at 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Tristan H. View Post
The problem with this is twofold:

--Firstly, from what I have read our hormones return to baseline after approximately 2 weeks of abstinence, so that is mostly unnecessary.
--Secondly, most people used to frequent orgasms will have wet dreams once they remain abstinent for a long time. So is a wet dream not an orgasm? One thing's for sure: when you're dreaming they definitely feel like orgasms.
There was a 2008 study where men who hadn't ejaculated for 3 weeks had higher testosterone levels then those who did. It isn't just testosterone that's lost when you ejaculate. These doctors that advise daily masturbation want you to do so, because too much masturbation can make you depressed. So good for selling drugs like their antidepressant medication.
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