You should get into exercising. Walking is an easy way to begin getting more physical activity, and it's easier to handle than thinking about going on a run or kicking your butt at the gym. Baby steps can get you more active! Also, if interested, I used to eat a ton of junk food, muffins, cakes, bagels, sandwiches, etc. and I would get very bad body aches and bloat, making me weigh more. Ever since clearing wheat from my diet, I have not been bloated, I've had more energy, I eat less, my blood sugar levels don't go haywire, and I don't have pain in my body anymore! Wheat is a toxin i swear by it, maybe you should do some research, maybe even go gluten-free to start... only if you are interested of course, i always like to share anything that has been successful for me.. Hope you figure out how to change and feel better soon