Thread: Med Freak Out
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Default May 15, 2014 at 01:19 PM
Thank you all SO MUCH for your input. I am deeply grateful. I emailed my p-doc and told him exactly what's going on for me. He agreed to give me a prescription for the k-pin so I don't have to drop it so fast. There's still an "edge" to his attitude about the k-pin, however. I might go ahead and change p-docs. I desperately want to be off k-pin, but I have to do it over at least a year. I've tried twice to go off faster and the withdrawal was sheer HELL. I ended up right back on the k-pin (I take 2mg/day, btw). Terrifying physically and mentally. And I don't want to be in withdrawal when I have surgery, that's for sure. I need my p-doc to be exceedingly supportive of a very, very slow withdrawal.
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