Originally Posted by ImNotHere
I am in therapy, my therapist calls is a need for justice or something like that due to my past, she says that is why I have anger issues. Instead I see a need to find justice, people deserve to be punished for hurting children. I am a sensitive person and care so much about children and I become protective of them.
Your therapist is correct, people who suffer from PTSD who have been abused in some way have a very strong desire for justice. You know what it feels like first hand, you know it is "wrong" and that a child is helpless to defend themselves from abuse. So, you get very angry when you see someone
over discipline a child, it's a big trigger. However, you will get triggered when you see "anyone" suffer abuse.
This is definitely a challenge, you are going to have to work through it and learn how to not feed into that part of the PTSD when you get triggered that way, and I know it is hard.