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Old Mar 31, 2007, 02:03 PM
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sunrise sunrise is offline
Member Since: Jan 2007
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ECHOES, I am shocked about your insurance. You work for a major health insurance company and they only provide their own employees with catastrophic health insurance? Grrrrrrrrrrrr. I hope their best employees quit (you included!) and go work for a competitor and run UHC out of business. That is just unconscionable. I would like to see an expose written up about UHC in the press.

That's interesting, sidony, and makes me go Grrrrrrrrrrr again! Your brother was worried about having a psychiatric visit on his record but not a therapist. visit. So at least maybe having the therapist was not detrimental to his career. I wish ALL the bias against mental health treatment would just go away.
"Therapists are experts at developing therapeutic relationships."