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Member Since Jun 2014
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Default Jun 13, 2014 at 12:56 PM
So I'm new here, but I felt that I needed to get some help from people who may have been where I am or know people who have.
I have body dysmorphia, which has lead to unhealthy coping, but I am feeling like I am losing my relationship because of it.
I have been with my bf for a year now. We have been through ups and downs which have mostly, all the big problems, have been because of him. No cheating or anything like that.
I had a mental break down in about April, which is when my body dysmophia was at an all time high. I feel like he doesn't really care, doesn't really listen, and when we fight, he'll use it to throw in my face- calls it "your issues" or "insecurities" or "you have problems".
I can't help them though. I am constantly feeling like he doesn't give me enough attention, that we don't have sex that much, and that he doesn't find me attractive. He goes to bed most of the time with out wanting to have sex or anything physical. I went through his history last night, and he watches porn a lot of the days, and I found it hurtful that he does that, but I feel the way I do and he doesn't make an effort to change my mind.
I'm struggling if its just me getting the best of me, or if he is neglecting that I have a serious issue and need him to do things that maybe are out of his way, but to help me.

Can someone help me?

Ps- sorry if this isn't the right place to be posting this. I'm new and all
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